Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blog 1

1. Do Americans take democracy for granted? Why?
 Today, many Americans are so accustomed to living in a democracy that they take it for granted. The citizens who have grown up in America and never lived anywhere else have never experienced any other form of government. Therefore, they often do not consider how millions of people around the world have no say in their countries’ political matters. They do not consider or maybe fully understand that in other countries citizens have no say in how their own country, sometimes their own lives, are run. I think this would not be as a big of a problem or issue if they were more educated on other countries/governments. If children and teens were more educated on the governments of other countries(and how their citizens are treated) and were able to compare them to democracy, I believe they would be more likely to appreciate it fully.
2. Why is separation of powers so crucial to the government?
 If any of the three branches had more power than the other two, then there would be a greater chance or opportunity that they would abuse that power. Because they each have separate powers over one other, they keep each other in check. This, overall, is a benefit to the American citizens. It keeps the government from forcing their will on its citizens.
3. Which of the ideologies make the most sense to you and why?
 I would probably consider myself a moderate. There are many liberal and conservative views I agree and some that I disagree. Like the Liberals, I agree with higher taxes on the wealthy, programs to support the poor, etc. But on the other hand, like conservatives, I agree that if a government is too active it could do more harm than good.


  1. Sometimes people can overlook how brilliant it was for the founding fathers to write in a set of checks and balances for our government. Some people don't understand that we are literally a couple pen strokes away from a monarchy. Also a good point of yours is how it protects the government from forcing it's will on us. A great example of this is China. While China is a democracy in theory anyone who watches the news can see the blatant oppression that goes on there.

  2. I like how you said we should educate children and teens more on how many other people around the world don't have rights. I know sometimes I get caught up on my own life and forget how many people around the world are still suffering.

  3. I'm sure glad their is a separation of power! There isn't any telling what would have happen if there wasn't!
