Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chapter 4

1. Freedom of Speech:  How important is it?  Does the freedom go "too far"?  What areas of speech should not be protected?

To me, Freedom of Speech is very important. People should have the right to openly voice their opinions without fear of punishment. However, like everything, too much of a good thing can be bad. People should not be allowed to create needless chaos. As Oliver Wendell Holmes pointed out, "freedom of speech does not mean that an individual has the right to falsely shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater, and cause a panic." Making false allegations about someone to purposely hurt their reputation would be an example. There should be some limits placed on freedom of speech.

2. Freedom of Religion:  Is separation of church and state necessary?  Why or why not?

In America, I do believe that separation of church and state are necessary. I believe this simply because there are so many practicing religions today that it would be impossible for them not to clash. Keeping church and state seperated allows for more peace.

3.Criminal Procedure:  Are defendant's rights crucial to our system of government?  Why or why not?  Many argue that defendants have too many rights - do you agree?  Why or why not?

Defendants rights are very important. It is crucial that they recieve the best trial possible. Not everyone who goes to trial is guilty and therefore they should be given certain rights until proven otherwise. For the most part, I would disagree that they have too many rights. However, I can see how this would be true in some cases like murders or even terrorism.


  1. I agree with you on keeping church and state seperate. No one would want a teacher pushing a certain religion on their child.

  2. I appreciated your views on criminal procedure and agree with you on freedom of speech. :)

  3. I strongly agree with you in every aspect, the laws ere written by folks that believed there should be civil rights and America was founded on those rights. :)
