Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chapter 13

1. Research federal agencies and explain which one you feel is the most important one and why?
     I feel one of the most important agencies is the Department of Homeland Security. It protects the security of America and keeps us safe. It has many of the important divisons/programs that have kept us safe such as The Border and Transportation Security division, the Emergency Preparedness and Response division, the Science and Technology division,etc. It also includes the Coast Guard, the Secret Service, and the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. It was established in 2002 after the 9/11 attacks and has done a good job protecting Americans.

2. Which federal agency could be terminated with the least impact (if any) and why?
     Although it may have made some improvements, I think we could do away with the Department of Education. We instead should let the states handle the role of education. I think it is too much for the federal government to try to control education over the US.

3. Are any new agencies needed?  In other words, if you were president would you create new agencies?  If so, in what area(s)?
    Off the top of my head, I can not think of any new agencies that would be needed. I think instead, if I were president, I would focus on improving the agencies we already have.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

chapter 12

1. What makes a great President (not which Presidents have been great) . . . what qualities are essential to greatness?  Why?

There are many qualities that make a president great. First, he must be loyal to his country and his citizens. He must be educated and experienced in government/political/military jobs. I think he should be an attentive person who is understanding and willing to listen to others but also makes sure to make his own opinions heard. I think he should be comfortable with the media, public speaking, and with people in general. He should also be a confidant person who is willing to try new things.

2. Other than Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, which two Presidents have been the greatest and why?

I think Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a great president. He guided the country successfully through both the Great Depression and WWII. I liked some of the things he did such as the New Deal. Instead of just giving handouts, he also created job programs.

Another great president was Lyndon Johnson. He got the Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. He protected minority rights. He also helped the poor and the elderly by creating Medicare and Medicaid. He looked out for the,"little people" which is something I can respect.

3. Research a President that you're previously unfamiliar with - list at least three things you learned.  Was this President effective?  Why or why not?

I researched Millard Fillmore who was the 13th president. He was also the last member of the whig party to hold the presidential office. He assumed presidency after Zachery Talyor's death. One thing that is so interesting about him is that when he became president, the entire cabinet resigned. He supported the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act. I do not think he was an effective president because he was not very popular.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chapter 11

1. Who are your Senators and your Congressman?

We have two Senators: Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander.
Our nine congressmen are: Phil Roe, John Duncan, Chuck Fleschmann, Scott DesJarlais, Jim Cooper, Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Stephen Fincher, and Steve Cohen.

2.Research the areas they champion and find one you support. What is it and why do you support it?

Lamar Alexander wants to make changes to No Child Left Behind. He does not want to see the development of a national school board and nor do I. It would not work effectively. Alexander also made a statement about the new student loans that I agree with. He said that the growth of tuition should be slowed. He believes one way to do this is to reduce health care costs so that more state dollars can be used to support education.

3. Find an issue that one of your Senators or Congressman champions that you disagree with.  Why do you disagree?
I do not like some of the changes that Bob Corker wants to make to Medicare. I think some of the changes would hurt some people. For example, he wants to raise the age to 67. While he did have some good ideas concerning medicare (such as eliminating fraud) some of them would hurt the people who truly need and benefit from it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chapter 10

1. Read Bush v. Gore in the text.  Do you agree with the majority or the dissenting opinion?  Why?

I agree with the majority that Florida's method for recounting violated equal protection of the law. Like Bush pointed out, the standard of the intent of the voter used by Florida could mean different standards by different officials. I don't think it would have been an accurate recount. If a recount is to be done, it is extremely important that it is done accurately and correctly.

2. Is the ability to fundraise too important in elections?  In other words, are good candidates prevented from running because they cannot raise the needed funds?  Can/should something be done to correct this if it is a problem?

The ability to fundraise in elections is very important. It makes me think of the phrase, "survival of the fittest." I am sure that many good candidates are prevented from running for elections simply due to lack of funds. Without funds, they can not promote themselves and get their name out/what they will do in office out in public. They also can not hire as many staff members.

3. Why is there such voter apathy - in other words, why is there often such low voter turnout for elections?  Is there a way to rectify this problem?

I think there are numerous reasons why many people do not vote. One would be that elections are hard to understand or that they are not enough informed about candidates/issues to be able to caste a vote. Another reason is that a low of people do not believe that their one vote really counts and others don't vote because they do not see a way that it will immediately benefit them to vote. Maybe others don't have the means of transportation or the time to vote. To rectify this problem, people should become more informed and involved. I also think schools should encourage kids to be informed and educated on current events/issues/politicians so that they will be more inclined to vote when they are old enough. The government could also find ways to entice more people to vote.