Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chapter 13

1. Research federal agencies and explain which one you feel is the most important one and why?
     I feel one of the most important agencies is the Department of Homeland Security. It protects the security of America and keeps us safe. It has many of the important divisons/programs that have kept us safe such as The Border and Transportation Security division, the Emergency Preparedness and Response division, the Science and Technology division,etc. It also includes the Coast Guard, the Secret Service, and the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. It was established in 2002 after the 9/11 attacks and has done a good job protecting Americans.

2. Which federal agency could be terminated with the least impact (if any) and why?
     Although it may have made some improvements, I think we could do away with the Department of Education. We instead should let the states handle the role of education. I think it is too much for the federal government to try to control education over the US.

3. Are any new agencies needed?  In other words, if you were president would you create new agencies?  If so, in what area(s)?
    Off the top of my head, I can not think of any new agencies that would be needed. I think instead, if I were president, I would focus on improving the agencies we already have.

1 comment:

  1. You're right about letting states control education, but I wouldn't mind the federal government using some of my tax dollars to pay for my college education either.
