Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chapter 11

1. Who are your Senators and your Congressman?

We have two Senators: Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander.
Our nine congressmen are: Phil Roe, John Duncan, Chuck Fleschmann, Scott DesJarlais, Jim Cooper, Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Stephen Fincher, and Steve Cohen.

2.Research the areas they champion and find one you support. What is it and why do you support it?

Lamar Alexander wants to make changes to No Child Left Behind. He does not want to see the development of a national school board and nor do I. It would not work effectively. Alexander also made a statement about the new student loans that I agree with. He said that the growth of tuition should be slowed. He believes one way to do this is to reduce health care costs so that more state dollars can be used to support education.

3. Find an issue that one of your Senators or Congressman champions that you disagree with.  Why do you disagree?
I do not like some of the changes that Bob Corker wants to make to Medicare. I think some of the changes would hurt some people. For example, he wants to raise the age to 67. While he did have some good ideas concerning medicare (such as eliminating fraud) some of them would hurt the people who truly need and benefit from it.


  1. I agree that Lamar Alexander did seem impressive. Good research. :)

  2. I agree with your take on the Medicare issue. So many innocent citizens are be hurt by fraud and it would be great if we could eliminate it.

  3. Nice points about No Child Left Behind; I would like to see some changes made to that as well.

  4. I completely agree with you on your views of Medicare.
